Malaysian Clinical Pharmacy Symposium (MCPS) 2.5

Written by Tang Jia Wen, commitee member of MCPS 2.5
On 27 July 2019, the Malaysian Clinical Pharmacy Symposium (MCPS) 2.5 – A Cancer Therapy Counselling Workshop was held in International Medical University (IMU). It had successfully gathered pharmacists from different backgrounds and provided a conducive platform for them to exchange ideas and thoughts on the latest clinical landscapes.
In response to the limited exposure on cancer therapies, a series of talks and sharing sessions pertaining to the latest updates in the oncology field had been arranged. Examples of topics that were covered include Cancer Therapies & Their Differences, Toxicities & Adverse Drug Reaction Counselling, Cancer Mythbusters, Addressing Emotional Needs of Cancer Patients, and Recognising Early Signs & Symptoms of Cancer.
Along with the plenary session, there was also a sharing session by the ambassador of National Cancer Society Malaysia. He taught us to keep fighting in a difficult situation. Besides, we had also prepared some case scenarios for the participants to practice at the closing stages of the symposium. This was done in hopes of the participants getting most out of the discussion especially the advice provided by the facilitators.
We hope that every participant had benefited from this event and had gathered greater insights towards cancer through MCPS 2.5. We also hope that it has helped them become better carers of the cancer community.
#Malaysian Clinical Pharmacy Symposium 2.5