MPS-e-Learning Portal (CSCSP, Dengue, DMTAC, Erectile Dysfunction, Osteoporosis , Oral Contraceptives & Understanding Generic Medicines)

MAP’s e-Learning Portal – Erectile Dysfunction (CPD Category A8: 3 Points)
The aim of this course is to share existing evidence on the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is one of the main growing complaints among males. This course is planned for healthcare providers as a self-study course and assessment materials to ensure that by the upon completion of this course, you will have the understanding and details about the epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis, management and treatment options for the ED patients and last but not the least about the pharmacist’s role in the management and counselling of ED patients.
The course structure consists fo four chapters followed by an assessment:
- Chapter 01: Epidemiology & Aetiology of Erectile Dysfunction
- Chapter 02: Anatomy & Pathophysiology of the Penis
- Chapter 03: Management & Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction
- Chapter 04: Role of Pharmacists in Erectile Dysfunction
- Assessment: (20 randomized quiz questions, passing mark 80%, unlimited attempts)
- Feedback
To participate in the program MPS and MAP members (Subscription Paid Up Year 2018) can enter with their login name and password directly. Non-member will be charged RM 30.00/- for the module