Code of Ethics For Pharmacists 2018 Last updated on

Preamble: In the pharmacy profession, the health and welfare of the public has always been and will continue to be the foremost concern among pharmacists. For this principle to be consistently placed above all other considerations in the practice of pharmacy, this Code of Ethics for Pharmacists 2018 has embodied the minimum standards of proper…

2019 New Year Resolution: Have a Pair of Healthier Lungs? Last updated on

Here is a reminder to the smoking ban at eateries which will be officially implemented in 3 days’ time. Like many other laws, it has garnered mixed reactions and divided opinions from the public. Since its announcement back in October, many were sceptical and doubtful on the substance of this. Was the law really going…

A Foreword by Dr Mai Chun-Wai
Last updated on

2018 was an exciting year for us. During this year’s Annual Business Meeting, a new steering committee structure was approved by the members of MPS-YPC, which we have then expanded our service. In the past, MPS-YPC developed series of continuous professional development (CPD) for the young pharmacists. In 2018, we have expanded the collaboration with…

Topical Preparations Counselling Guide for Pharmacist Last updated on

Topical Preparations Counselling Guide for Pharmacist is the first edition of its genre. It aims to provide information for pharmacists specifically on topical preparations available in the Ministry of Health (MOH) formulary and relevant counselling points on its usage in providing effective and accurate patient education regarding their medicines. The contents of this quick guide…

Health Minister’s response to PRPs’ concerns: Government is not obliged to absorb all pharmacists who complete graduate training Last updated on

Many of you might have read posts or articles about the issues faced by provisionally registered pharmacists (PRP) securing a place in the government sector after their 1-year training. This came about after the posting results of the first batch of contract Fully Registered Pharmacists (FRPs) in the public sector was released. Many have expressed…