Topical Preparations Counselling Guide for Pharmacist Last updated on

Topical Preparations Counselling Guide for Pharmacist is the first edition of its genre. It aims to provide information for pharmacists specifically on topical preparations available in the Ministry of Health (MOH) formulary and relevant counselling points on its usage in providing effective and accurate patient education regarding their medicines. The contents of this quick guide…

Health Minister’s response to PRPs’ concerns: Government is not obliged to absorb all pharmacists who complete graduate training Last updated on

Many of you might have read posts or articles about the issues faced by provisionally registered pharmacists (PRP) securing a place in the government sector after their 1-year training. This came about after the posting results of the first batch of contract Fully Registered Pharmacists (FRPs) in the public sector was released. Many have expressed…

Stable Coronary Artery Disease (2nd Edition) Last updated on
The previous clinical practice guidelines for the management of stable angina were issued in 2010. Since then, there have been advances in both diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the management of this progressive disease. Therefore, it is timely for the publication of this CPG, with a title that is now evolved from stable angina to...
World Pharmacists Day (WPD) 2018 Last updated on
The annual World Pharmacists Day (WPD) celebration, took place on 20th and 21st of October at MyTown Cheras. With this year’s theme of ‘Pharmacists: Your medicines experts’, this nation-wide celebration aims to raise awareness to the public about the many roles and contributions of pharmacists to the healthcare system. This two-day event was officiated by...
2018 Management of Hypertension (5th Edition) Last updated on
At the Malaysian Society of Hypertension’s (MSH) 15th Annual Scientific Meeting, Professor Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, the Chairman Working Group on 5th Malaysian Hypertension Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) 2018 said that many updates can be expected from the new CPG. One of these new recommendations is the preference for validated electronic blood pressure (BP) sets over mercury sphygmomanometers....