Datuk Noor Hisham’s take on the Malaysian Innovative Healthcare Symposium 2018

On October 6, YPC held its annual innovative healthcare symposium for the third successive year. This year’s theme was ‘Healthcare 4.0: Closing the Gap Between Patients & Technology’. Via this platform, MPS-YPC hopes to increase awareness and interest in the advancement of technology in current healthcare settings.
We had the honour of our very own Director General of Health, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham visiting and officiating this year’s symposium. Here is a short excerpt of what he had to say about the event.
“Organised by the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society – Young Pharmacist Chapter (MPS-YPC), the theme chosen was ‘Healthcare 4.0: Closing The Gap Between Patients & Technology’. The theme is apt as in this day and age, health technology should not be seen as something abstract or far-fetched, but rather something which is very much tangible to the general public.”
The full Facebook post can be found here.
A short video of the event can be found here.