Announcement on New Pharmacy License Application

Starting from 1 January 2019, all applications for pharmacy licenses and permits will be associated with a newly imposed fee. The amendments are as follow:
“I) Di bawah Peraturan 28 Peraturan-Peraturan Racun (Pindaan) 2018 iaitu :
28. (1) An Application for a licence under the Act shall be accompanied by the following fees:
a. RM 300.00 for Type A licence
b. RM 300.00 for Type B licence
c. RM 20.00 for Type D licence; and
d. RM 300.00 for Type E licence
(2) The fees paid under subregulation (1) shall not be refundable.
II) Di bawah Peraturan 4A Peraturan-Peraturan Racun (Sodium Hidroksida) (Pindaan) 2018 adalah seperti berikut :
4A. (1) Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee of one hundred ringgit.
(2) The fee which has been paid under subregulation (1) shall not be refundable.”
Procedure for fee payment
A. Type A License
- Application has to be made using My.Pharma-C system.
- Payment has to be made in the form of Money Order/ Post order / Bank Draft with the name:
“PENGARAH KESIHATAN NEGERI ………………………..” (Insert relevant state)
- Money Order/ Post order/ Bank Draft has to be sent to the Pharmaceutical Services Division of the state in which the license is being applied (state that was chosen while application was made online) along with printout of license application form which was made through the My.Pharma-C system.
4. Only applications which are complete along with payment will be processed.
B. Type B License, Type E License and Permit to purchase, keep and utilise Sodium Hydroxide:
Payment is to be made through the My.Pharma-C system through internet banking during application for license.”
The official announcement can be found here.