RX Plus Vol 1: Beyond Limits Last updated on
“So… what’s the plan after our contract ends?” “Meh, it’s a long way more.  I’ll think about it then.” The above conversation is pretty much the answer I got from each PRP (and to a certain extent, FRPs) that I meet. In case you wonder why that sounds so familiar - well, that’s because it’s...
Potential use of Convalescent Plasma in COVID-19: A journey of thought-sharing on MPS-YPC towards worldwide scientific community Last updated on
Remember the write-up I wrote about the use of convalescent plasma in COVID-19 a few months back? Fret not, here’s the link for you to catch up about it (if you wish to do so) before indulging the rest of this follow-up article regarding my first ever scientific publication on this topic. How it all...
Pandemic Struggles Vol 4 – Doctors (Part II) Last updated on
Continuing our Pandemic Struggles series, we take a closer look at the struggles faced by our colleagues in the medical profession. In the second half of our Doctors Two-Parter Episode, we are glad to have Dr Hema Darshinee Johnson, a Medical Officer since December 2018 from the Radiology and Oncology Department from Hospital Sultan Ismail,...
Pandemic Struggles Vol 4: Doctors (Part I) Last updated on
The Pandemic Struggles series will not be complete without the doctors' perspectives. Being the key front-liner in triage, screening, diagnosis and prescribing, this battle to COVID-19 would have been lost without them. In our special two-part episode, we share a snippet of the challenges faced by a doctor who has been serving for 9 years...
Work From Home Struggles Last updated on
Work plays a very big part of our livelihood and in fact, we spend roughly 90,000 hours of our lifetime at work. While many of us may grumble over the woes of having to sling the pills to pay the bills, this very workplace also provides us an escapism. For some, it’s the me-time away...