OTC Dispensing in Pregnancy
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Reviewed by Esther How Huey Jiun Many times, we found ourselves fumbling over resources when customers ask about safety of drugs in pregnancy. We do it more often now with the pandemic hitting the globe, but why are we still unsure which drug is safe for this category of patient? To smooth your journey amidst the...
How My Experience in the Hospital Changed my Practices in the Community Pharmacy
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Edited by Carl Ivan Nimmo. After completing my pre-registration training and compulsory service in a government hospital, I returned to practice in a community pharmacy. What I didn’t expect was how much my views would change regarding the management of diseases and their pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological treatments. In a hospital setting, one of the main job roles of a pharmacist...
COVID-19 Tests 101
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Yes, we are very well aware of the fact that we’re a bit late to this game. But hey, better late than never right? Here’s presenting to you SARS-CoV-2 a.k.a. COVID-19 tests 101 or something along those lines. Know your terms I’m pretty sure you’ve heard various terms being thrown around in light of this...
Huh? Tiger Milk Mushroom?
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A brief introduction Let’s start with the name, shall we? Contrary to popular belief (shocking, I know), Tiger Milk Mushroom or TMM for short, does not indeed grow near tiger habitats. According to folklore, its name is apparently derived from the fact that this mushroom grows whenever drops of tigers’ milk fall onto the ground...
2021 Recap : MPS-YPC Edition
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The year 2021 will be another year that will go down in history. From a whopping number of COVID-19 infections, lock-downs, to the praise-worthy National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme, from annual YPC events to new initiatives, it has been a roller coaster ride for all Malaysians, including us at YPC. This will be a trip down...