1. “We need you!”
- We are looking for assistants and associates to expand our YPC
network. - We welcome all the young pharmacists to join our team and
leverage your membership in this professional organization!
2. Value as a YPC member:
A network of support
We are a group of passionate pharmacists with a drive for quality healthcare. We strive for unity and are your first point of contact for young pharmacists. In YPC, we have a network of committees who always work together to uphold the integrity of pharmacy profession, ensuring the members are provided with new insights, support & resources. Therefore, it’s definitely the perfect place to enhance your network, further your career and achieve your dream.
A platform to voice out
We appreciate that it can be difficult to raise concerns especially when you are still fresh in working life and we are concerned about it too. In YPC, we provide a platform for you to voice out any of your concern in your career path, at the same time improve the pharmacy profession and their fitness to practice.
Dedicated to advocacy for the profession
YPC is vigorously advocating a broader role for pharmacists, eg in digital healthcare, industry, researches etc through events to keep the members updated with latest news & resources. Ideally, pharmacist should always be an active contributor to various committees in their respective field. Therefore, we are engaging all pharmacists out there to promote and lead the desired direction of the profession.
Build a better resume
Professional association like MPS-YPC give you an opportunity to develop your skills as a leader, and this is important not only for your personal growth, but for your growth in your firm. This is absolutely impressive to current or future employers as it shows that you are dedicated to staying connected in your profession.
Stay Inspired and Stay Motivated
Learn to love what you do! You may not even know that you love something, but it’s important to be proactive about things you discover on the journey. Join YPC together and leverage on its influence to lead and promote the future of pharmacy TODAY.

[MPS-YPC Central Associates Recruitment 2022/2023]
Interested to make a difference in the pharmacy profession, upskill yourself and widen your network?
Come join our YPC Team!
We are looking for associates for the following departments;
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Publicity
– Creative & Design
– Public Engagement
– Professional Networking
– Professional Development
– Corporate Relations
Further details on each position’s job descriptions and requirement can be found
We want YOU! Fill this form and you’re one step away from being part of leaders of pharmacy.

[MPS-YPC Flagship Event Committee Recruitment 2022]
Want to be a part of the organising committee of our annual flagship event? Want to gain soft skills, meet new people and experience event organising for pharmacists?
Come join our YPC Flagship Committee!
We are recruiting committees for our annual flagship events ;
1. Malaysian Clinical Pharmacy Symposium (MCPS)
2. Malaysian Community Pharmacy Business Forum (MyCPBF)
3. Malaysian Innovative Healthcare Symposium (MIHS)
4. Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmacists Insights (PIPI)
Each flagship event has a variety of available positions that can suit to everyone’s needs and interest. Full list of available positions, job descriptions and requirements are included in this file.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is MPS-YPC?
Malaysian Pharmacists Society – Young Pharmacists Chapter (MPS-YPC) is
a chapter of the MPS, a professional association for pharmacists in Malaysia.
MPS-YPC consist of young pharmacists registered with the Pharmacy Board
of Malaysia below 35 years old or recent graduates of pharmacy.
How do I become a MPS-YPC member?
There are two form of members:
(i) MPS-YPC Member
Young pharmacists who are under the age of 35 and hold a MPS membership
are qualified as MPS-YPC members. Members have the full rights to the proceedings of MPS-YPC and are eligible to stand for MPS-YPC steering
committee position and voting in MPS-YPC meetings.
(ii) MPS-YPC Associate
Young pharmacist who are under the age of 35 but not the members of MPS are considered as MPS-YPC Associate. They can participate in all MPS-YPC activities but is not eligible to vote in the Chapter Assembly or stand for MPS-YPC steering committee positions.
Both the members and associates are eligible to attend the MPS-YPC Annual
Business Meeting (ABM), MPS-YPC meetings, activities and events.
What is the commitment to be a YPC committee?
In MPS-YPC, a tenure of committee last for 2 years. Therefore, YPC committee will contribute for 2 years under one tenure.