MyCPBF Eating Disorders Discussion Forum

Event Time & Date: 27th November 2021 (Saturday), 9.00am-10.30am
Participation fees: Free of Charge
Eating disorders including bulimia nervosa are frequently kept secret by patients and may be intertwined with other psychiatric disorders, like depression, making the disease difficult to diagnose and treat.
How can community pharmacists as primary care providers play a role in the early detection of eating disorders? Management of eating disorders requires a multidisciplinary team, are community pharmacists ready for this?
Join this discussion forum for FREE if you are keen to know more about interprofessional collaboration in the management of bulimia nervosa in Malaysia. We have a psychiatrist, psychologist, pharmacist and dietitian with us as the panellists!
This webinar is free of charge and is open to participants from various medical professions!
Grab your chance to join MyCPBF’s first event on interprofessional collaboration and learn from various medical professions!