Kontrak Ends, But Future Starts Now 2.0

Kontrak Ends, But Future Starts Now is one of the advocacy projects planned by the MPS-YPC in 2021. It is a series of workshops that aim to empower contract pharmacists to embrace the transition from government settings into private settings. 

Kontrak Ends, But Future Starts Now 2.0 kicked off with a physical workshop for resume writing and interview simulation intending to equip the participants with the knowledge and skill set required in seeking job opportunities. 

Day 1: Resume Writing and Interview Skill Workshop

In the resume writing workshop, the speaker shared the structure of resume writing, the do’s and don’ts of resume writing, and some tips to make the resumes attractive to the interviewers, especially for pharmacy-related working settings. The speaker also helped to review the resumes of some participants. In the interview simulation session, speakers from different fields (retail, private hospital, industry, and research) were invited and some essential tips for the pre-interview as well as during the interview session were shared with the participants.

Day 2: MBTI Workshop and CRO Career Journey Webinar

Today, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test is one of the world’s most widely used psychological instruments to determine which careers someone is suited for as these instruments can provide a lot of insights into a personality based on traits, tendencies, and other characteristics. During the virtual workshop for MBTI Personalities, the participants were given time to answer the test questions followed by an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of each personality as well as how to deal with people with different personalities. It aimed to help the participants in identifying and understanding the type of work and workplace that best fit their personalities.

Day 3: MOHE Hospital and Industrial Pharmacy (Manufacturing Plant) Career Journey Webinars

In the career journey webinars, speakers who have made their transition from government hospitals into various fields were invited to share their experiences. Those fields include Clinical Research Organization (CRO), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Hospital and Industrial Pharmacy (Manufacturing Plant). By providing contract pharmacists with a platform with vast experience sharing sessions from our speakers, we hope to inspire our participants with the confidence to lead their career pathway and to embrace the changes in their careers.